Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 Debut Author Challange

The 2011 Debut Author Challenge is a challenge run by Kristi over at The Story Siren. As you might imagine from the title, it's devoted to highlighting new YA authors, and getting the books read and talked about. The official goal is to read at least twelve in the year, but of course more is encouraged! Personally, I think it's a great thing to support new authors, and I'm so excited to be participating.

While it's only a requirement to read these books, I'm also going to try to buy as many of them as possible, just to be supporting the authors themselves. Also, a great excuse to buy shiny hardcover books, and some of the covers on this list are amazing!

I'm listing them in the order of release date, and to find out more information about the books, simply click on the image and it will take you to the book's Goodreads page.

I'm sure this list will grow as I hear about more great new debuts!

Lucy's 2011-debut-authors book montage

The Iron Witch
Across the Universe
Bad Taste in Boys
What Can't Wait
Stupid Fast
10 Miles Past Normal
Sister Mischief
Dark Parties
The Sweetest Thing
The Near Witch
Falling for Hamlet
The Time-Traveling Fashionista

Lucy's favorite books »

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